Tuesday, June 21, 2005

My Brain Hurts

So as I sit here at work trying to figure out what to write in this thing, I've come to realize that at this time of day my mind goes completely blank. I blame the mocap. Mocap isn't horrible by any standpoint, but when having to keyframe over top of it while using the trax editor, it's a luck of the draw if anything will work and look proper without popping. Tonight I found that feet were the most difficult in particular. The blending of IK keyframe to FK mocap/trax editor information just fried my brain this afternoon. I believe I'll head home and do some keyframing where I can control EVERYTHING...muahahahaha.

So I get to go to Siggraph this year. Already have the hotel, car rental, plane tickets, and exhibition passes ordered and paid for. I'm pretty excited as this will be my first CG convention since I've been in the industry. Going to get to see a ton of friends that I've not seen in many years. I'll also get to put some faces to screen names and forum tags that I chat with on a daily basis. Looking forward to that and just submerging myself in the wave of information that I'll pick up while out there. I think the CgChar get together will be a wonderful time. I hope to see a bunch of you out there. :)

I'll post a link to some W.I.P.s as I get them prepared and uploaded to my website. Until then, check out www.anim8edgrayscale.com . In the reel section is my collage of Wrestlemania 21 mocap/keyframes I did for the game. I'm pretty proud of them and its hard to choose which ones will make it to the overall reel when I make one. Looking forward also to putting up some Quake 4 stuff when the game is released and I am allowed to put them up.

Until then... be safe. :)


Blogger Justin S Barrett said...

Yeah, Siggraph! Looking forward to meeting you out there! Still not exactly sure of my schedule...I'll be spending some time in sketches doing research, some time just wandering the floor, and some time at the Reel FX location (booth? RV? not sure yet) helping with recruiting. We'll talk more about the details, I'm sure. :)

5:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It'll be good to see ya brutha!!

3:46 PM  

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